Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Aug 16, 2010

Why I made this blog...

...Is probably the first post I should have made, but the other two came so easy, my bad.

Sooo, I made this for a few reasons, the most important one being, I was bored enough to. Second though is that after reading a few I've realised there are some upsides to a blog, it's like a non-gay diary, well, it's kinda gay, but you get the idea. It's good having some kind of memory of the past, and maybe I can work through some things and become a better person, or realize what I'm looking for. Or maybe it'll just stop be staring blankly at facebook for a couple hours each night, you know to avoid the fear that my parents placed in me of having to go to bed at a dedicated time. I don't think that sentence made sense but I really can't see how to modify it to make sense, hopefully you'll just get it.
Anyway, my point, I feel like my grasp on the English language will continue to slip unless I invest some time into waking up my brain long enough for it to figure out a simple sentence. But if I don't stop this post now it'll continue on into a ramble. Fuck waiting another day for writing day 2.
Peace Xo

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