Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Aug 17, 2010

Day 6: A stranger

Now I'm constantly talking to strangers despite my parents attempts to stop me all through my childhood, mostly because I work in a servo, a little because drunk people are amusing to talk to. But there was this one guy named benny, who the above 2 points both apply to.

It was about 11pm and I was about to close when this guy comes in holding a cardboard box and asks if there are any pies, and since I hadn't thrown out the leftovers for the day I just gave them to him without charging. He in return, thinking I was a champ, offered me some vodka. And unfortunately at this point I was drinking most nights and it sounded like a great idea. So after I had closed the shop I found him sitting down, with his little cardboard box filled with the aforementioned bottle of vodka, green cordial, smokes, a phone and some other stuff. He had made himself quite comfy with his phone playing radio, having a smoke, and the logical part of my brain that said "What the fuck are you doing?" was silenced by the other side going, "FREE BOOZE".
So I sat down and started talking with this complete stranger about working, drinking, what he was doing here, where he came from, and between us finished that vodka. It was one of the strangest nights I've ever had, but all in all It was enjoyable. And that's the thing, if I can do something that normal people wouldn't and come away from it with a positive memory, then why shouldn't I? Not all blokes are creepy pedos, and not all drunks are wankers. It's these types of stereotypes that cause people to grow up in fear of everyone. I know plenty of adults that would cringe if I ever told them that story, because anyone different is bad and dangerous. Thinking that way makes a circle of never ending hate for the unknown. And I say fuck that.

Peace Xo

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