Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Aug 17, 2010

Day 4: Your sibling/closest relative

So, talking about my siblings, I'm gunna keep this one short before I start to rant about how useless they are.

So I have a brother, (Darren, 24) and sister, (Genna, 13).

I have never, ever got along with my sister, not even a little bit. To be honest I actually don't care at all, she's not exactly someone I would talk to if we weren't siblings. And for the moment, that's fine, I'm sure as we grow up I'll start to care about her, (words from my mother, I'm being optimistic and trying to believe her.)

My brother on the other hand was someone I looked up to. Probably since I didn't start living with him til we moved to Australia. Dad and I used to drive up from Southend to Crew to pick him up, normally for about a week, and then make the same trip to take him home. And I loved that, I loved the trips, I loved seeing him, and whenever he was down we'd have a good time as a family. But not long after he had moved in with us permanently I realised he was nothing special, at times he's actually a dick. He never lets his guard down and tells lie after lie that you just don't know what to believe.

Summary: My brother owes $60,000, and my sister has stolen about $300 from my parents. I have next to no respect for either of them currently, which sucks.

Peace Xo

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