Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Aug 16, 2010

Day 1: Your best friend.

Timothy Asser

Since I moved to Australia he's been my best friend, countless nights spent playing games, drinking, going out and big D&M's on John street at the early hours of the morning before I'd walk home. That was before I moved and now, I don't see him much, which is because both of us have busy lives and other friends we hang out with a lot of the time. At the end of the day though, if I'm having shit fly at me from all directions he'll let me know I'm being a complete idiot and that nothings really wrong. I think that's what a best friend should be able to do, bring you back to earth when you think everything has gone haywire. And to rip a new one in your ex's new boyfriend without as much as a word from yourself. I still owe him for that one. =)

Oh, and we're going to be the rulers of the netherworld, just a heads up.

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