Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Aug 20, 2010

Day 7: An ex girlfriend/love/crush. Day 8: Your favourite internet friend.

Drinking stops me from blogging and that's probably a good thing so double special.

I get to talk about ex's first. Wonderful.
It's funny how small the line between love and hate is after a relationship ends, I've only properly fallen for two girls so far, one that I was on/off with for about a year, and the other who I very almost had a thing with.The first one ended up with me disliking her and not wanting to really see her ever again because she's a total fuckwit. And the other won't talk to me and has a boyfriend, (pretty sure the two things are linked.) The thing is that both of these girls were my closest friends during my first year in Aus, and I would love to go back to those times of us hanging out and having fun together without anything being weird or troublesome. And there's only one person to blame which unfortunately would be me.
Lesson? Don't fall for your friends, it's a pain trying to replace the people you loved the most.

Favourite Internet Friend? Now here I am trying to rack my brain over who the fuck I've made friends with over the internet and I've come to the conclusion that I haven't. Fuck that. I wanna see someone and make friends with them, I do most of my communicating through body language, and I much prefer reading other people through their body language too. I'm generally a pretty good judge of character straight off the bat, one of those handy traits to have, so why wouldn't I try and use it? So Day 8 go suck a fat one.

I'm going to bed.
Peace Xo

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