Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Aug 21, 2010

Day 9: Someone you wish you could meet

I've never really been big on celebrities, or meeting these people who have so much hype built around them. Totally not my thing. So I wouldn't really wanna meet anyone. (how dull of me, right? Ha.)
But if I had to pick someone, I guess it would be the lead singer from, (insert band name here). Lol yeah pretty much any band that I listen to, I'd be amazed to hear their stories, how they came about their songs, what started their bands and why they sing what they sing. You imagine a story behind most songs you hear and I'd love to know what those stories are, not from the newspaper, or some "official" page. But from the writer him/herself.

Sure the musics good, but the thought behind the music is what really interests me.

Peace Xo

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