Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Apr 22, 2014

Hugging machine?

I haven't wrote this much of my own free will ever, it's kinda nice, the internet is my wall to bounce my own thoughts off of to make sense of them all. Don't get me wrong, i like doing it with friends, but their opinions and thoughts get mixed in with mine and I don't need that at the moment, lets try and work out what I'm thinking before I throw someone else's ideals into the mix. And it's a lot more distracting than the games I've played 1000 times over with being somewhat useful at the same time. I miss the hugs though, guess the internet hasn't quite got everything I want.

And I just imagined my laptop growing arms and hugging me, i don't think I've been more, scared? Grossed out at an idea? Like that movie, "Her" when he falls in love with an artificial intelligence, great movie but thinking about it is super creepy. I didn't really look into it but apparently people decided it had hidden meanings, the way i saw it was don't be hypocritical of someone else's relationship, it worked for them so let them be happy, I mean that's all we're on the earth for anyway right? To get by and try and be happy, that's how I see it anyway. If i can make someone's day that bit better I will, which in turn makes my day better. I wish everyone was nicer sometimes, if we all looked out for everyone else the world wouldn't be such a bad place. When i told her she was too nice her reply was always the same, that everyone else just wasn't nice enough. I love that.

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