Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Nov 1, 2010

Negative Emotions.

So whenever something happens in my life I over think, whether it's throwing a bottle in the air and wondering how physics affects the speed of rotation compared to the amount of liquid in the bottle, or why regardless of how well I clean my room it looks exactly the same within a day.

These things are generally no problem at all, sure I get distracted from doing anything actually productive but I'll live. The problems come with people, and with emotions. That's the difference between thinking about that bottle and a person, when you're playing with the bottle you have no consideration for it, I mean it's an inanimate object, why would you? But with a human, we all have to tread carefully, trying not to upset them, trying not to provoke them and generally just trying to consider these feelings they have.

Lately, I've been shit at that. I'm sick of covering up the truth to save someones feelings all the time, I understand not mentioning something that's just plain offensive but when someone is being an absolute dick why must you keep quiet? I'm trying to keep the friends I can be honest with, and ditch wankers who have nothing but negative things to say for no apparent reason.
These are the people who don't give a consideration to emotions, If it was a casual joke, or a playful mocking it would be fine, but it's not anymore. I'm no longer dealing with shitty "friends" who have nothing better to do than make fun of me and try and put me down. Sure I've done some stupid things, who hasn't? But strangely enough I don't need to be reminded every day with the same joke that wasn't funny in the first place.

I'm sick of you, I'm sick of your shit and I don't actually have to put up with it, so I'm not.

Peace out Xo

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