Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Jan 4, 2011

Maybe I just don't want to.

Why should I? This is what took so long last time, I found something that would work, and fuck giving up on it, I don't want to have to move on and leave it behind forever. Sure, I'll give it a rest, I won't go on about it, or think about it, but it won't just disappear. I don't want it to. I'm sick of leaving people behind in my wake, I want to remain friends with all the people I've enjoyed being in the company of. But life doesn't let you. So sod it, I'm not moving on, I don't care what anyone else thinks, this is what I want at the moment, if it changes then it changes, but my head and heart don't normally pick the same girls, they never sync up with anything really, so when they do I know it'll work, or I at least have to have a try at making it work.

If only it was that easy, I have to take into account other peoples feelings as well instead of being consumed by nothing but my own. Sure I can see it working, and I swear I'll be the best I can, it just takes a little while for me to calm down, instead of just going nuts about it. Guess that comes from not thinking anything will work out any other time, or maybe I'm just crazy. Whatever. All I know is that given the chance, I would prove it, I'd be nothing but amazing.

I hate not being able to sleep, or not letting myself sleep, or something, I dunno.
I just want that chance, that's all, I'm sick of falling before I get to the starting line.

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