Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Dec 17, 2010

Moving up in the world.

On the dawn of my 20th year in this god awful world we live, I'm pretty happy with life as a whole. I have my plans, I have a decent paying job, I have nothing but love from my close friends and family, but I'm far from relaxing, I still have so much more to go out and achieve. Albeit that I'm not quite sure what that IS at the moment, I'm sure it'll show itself in time. That's been my philosophy so far and it's been working for me, 'Something will always happen' Whether it's for good or bad, and regardless of it's helpfulness in my life, something WILL happen. The world isn't going to just stop, not for you, not for me, not for anyone, even when we could kill for it to. We must continue, and since we have to anyway, I'm choosing to aim for success in everything I do.

I over think, and I have these ridiculous visions of the future, not because that's what I will think will happen, but because I can't actually stop myself. My mind is amazing at throwing itself into the future and planning things that will happen 10's of years from now, and giving present me a quick glimpse of what it expects. Most people live up to other peoples expectations, while I find trouble in living up to my own. But it's too late to bail out now, so I'll be the best person I can be. Which is pretty damn good providing my brain isn't lying to me.

I don't know what this was about, I'm tired, and I turned 20 today. Fuck this.

Peace Xo

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