Get Personal

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I'm a guy who has no idea what the world around him is turning into or what his future holds apart from eventual death. Pessimistic to say the least, hence the lovely title. This is for my thoughts, feelings and is a general waste of internet space.

Dec 9, 2010

And what did we learn?

That some people just aren't worth your time, effort or thoughts in general, and that's sad to say. There should be something about anyone you can identify with and share, the world is full of hate, and we add to it all too easy for no real reasons. I'll take this as an opportunity to learn, instead of taking bad feelings and memories from something that never really happened.

We change who we are around ones we've loved, whether it be friend love, true love, or just something that could have turned into love, some people change for the better, some for the worse, but sure as hell it changes you. To find someone that can love the old you, the new you and vice versa is one of life's biggest challenges. I mean look at everything else the average person has to deal with. It's got nothing on relationships. They are just messed up. I don't understand how people manage them, or how for some people they just happen and it just works, no trouble at all. Until it blows up and apparently there were problems all along that no one knew about. In the end is it even worth it? We spend our lives chasing love, or at least the idea of it, that it'll make everything else better, make life easier, but all I've seen it do is destroy friendships, hurt families and leave people broken, is the little bit of happiness one feels from love really worth it? I really wonder if there's any point in it at all.

But here's the hope that it surpasses all the negatives, that it's eternal and really will change life forever. Because without that hope, I wouldn't see the point in continuing this search, and then I'd just be bored, fuck that. I'll keep on the look out for my perfect girl, smart, funny, good looking, actually it's a long list, I'm pretty picky.

I'm sorry it ended like this, but keep in mind I only made what you started worse. It didn't have to end like this if you hadn't acted the way you did, but we can't change the past, so I'm leaving everything here, no hard feelings from here out. Closures a lovely thing.

Peace out Xo

P.S. the real answer is we learned nothing, and we'll make all these mistakes again, because falling for someone makes you forget everything you've learnt, every rule you've been taught, and you end up just going with your heart. Hoping that the other person will follow suit.

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